SiO2 |
Stone of Grace.
Chrysoprase is green chalcedony. It is a very popular gemstone in Asia due to it’s similarity to Jade. It’s colour is caused by traces of nickle. New Age Therapists say it is a stone associated with a state of grace and inner calmness and acceptance of oneself and others. Said to balance Yin-Yang energies. It is also said to facilitate fidelity and fairness in business affairs. Chrysoprase is the most valuable gem in the chalcedony family. Chrysoprase is a great stone for those involved in arts & crafts. It draws out hidden talents. Zodiac: Gemini, Cancer |
for displaying and protecting your favourite minerals, gems, fossils, meteorites or other collectables. We also make mineral display stands and acrylic blocks. FOLLOWING LINKS: Crystal Showcase™ MINERAL DISPLAY BOXES MINERAL DISPLAY STANDS ACRYLIC BLOCKS MINERAL STORAGE BOXES MINERAL PRESENTATION DOMES GEM BOXES MAGNIFYING BOXES |