on Cobaltoan Dolomite
Kansalawile Mine,
Tenke-Fungurume Area,
Go To Kolwezite For Sale
Named for its type locality at the Musinoi mine in Kolwezi, Katanga, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Kolwezite also occurs in Greece and the United States.
The Stone of Disentanglement
Metaphysical Healers say Kolwezite is excellent for use in healing complex issues When a problem is so complex it is like looking at a ball of string in a huge mass of knots, then Kolwezite is the crystal to bring in. It can assist one in finding where to start, additionally, how to tackle problems on many layers and from different aspects.
Crystal: Trigonal
Hardness: 4
Sp.G.: 3.97
Cleavage: 3 Directions of cleavage
Not at rightangles.
Colour: Black, Brown, Beige, Green
Lustre: Vitreous (Glassy)
Kolwezite is a rare mineral that occurs in come oxidized copper-cobalt hydrothermal ore deposits.
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