LABRADORITECa,Na)(Al,Si)4O8Crystal: Triclinic Hardness: 6 - 6.5 Sp.G.: 2.66 - 2.72 Cleavage: Perfect Fracture: Uneven Colour: Grey, Brown, Blue Lustre: Vitreous to Pearly |
Stone of Health & Fitness
Labradorite is a member of the feldspar groupd of minerals. It can display an iridescent optical effect (or schiller) known as labradorescence. It is a member Plagioclase series of feldspars, occurring in mafic igneous rocks and is the most common feldspar in basalt.Labradorite, a feldspar, is considered to be an aid to diet control and stimulates physical activity. It is an ideal stone for those wanting to lose weight and gain fitness. It is also said to stimulate intellectual thought. Healthy body & healthy mind. Labradorite is also known as ‘Spectrolite’. New Age Therapists say it can reduce anxiety and stress and assist in regulating one’s metabolism. It is also said to unleash imagination, and fortify intuition. Reveals ones goals and intentions so that one can see them. Zodiac: Scorpio |
for displaying and protecting your favourite minerals, gems, fossils, meteorites or other collectibles. We also make mineral display stands and acrylic blocks. FOLLOWING LINK BELOW: And DISPLAY PRODUCTS |