"When the last question is answered, the illusion ends." Gerald Reginald Pauley, 1987
Crystal: Monoclinic
Hardness: 6 - 6.5
Sp.G.: 2.95
Cleavage: Perfect on {110}
Fracture: Splintery, Granular
Colour: Green, yellow, Brown, Black, White
Lustre: Vitreous to Greasy
Stone Of Tranquility
Nephrite is not a distinct species, it is a variety of
amphibole in the Ferro-actinolite/Tremolite series of minerals. It is one of two different minerals called JADE, the other being Jadeite. The determination of whether the mineral is Nephrite is by visual
observation. It has a microcrystalline structure. It is an extremely tough mineral and ancient made tools and weapons from this mineral. It is also prized as a
gemstone in Chinese culture for over 5,000 years.
Black Nephrite Jade is a protective stone and a stone of health and abundance. It is used as a good luck talisman in many cultures.
New Age Therapists say Nephrite Jade instils a sense of calm and wellbeing, and helps to increase one's enjoyment of life. Nephrite promotes confidence and calms the nerves.
you looking for clear boxes for displaying and protecting your
favourite minerals, gems, fossils, meteorites or other collectibles.
We also make mineral display stands and acrylic blocks.